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Volkova Anna Sergeevna

"Responsibility, punctuality, ability to adapt quickly to new conditions and purposefulness are the main qualities that a student should possess"

– Hello, Anna ! Could you answer a couple of questions about your studies at the Institute of Foreign Languages of the Moscow City Pedagogical University and your further life after graduation ?

– Sure !

1. Do you work within your specialty ? 

- Yes, I work at school, exactly as I planned. I mainly teach French, but there was also a second foreign language (English) in the load.

2. How long did it take you to find a job ? Was it easy ?

- The job search took a relatively small amount of time, 3 months after getting a bachelor's degree. I responded to a vacancy that was offered at the university.

3. Are you currently engaged in any scientific activity or are you pursuing your studies (Master's, PhD) ? Do you manage to combine it with your work ?

​- I started working while studying for a master's degree, I managed to combine both. Only occasionally missed classes or asked to be substituted at work.

4. Why did you decide to enter  the Institute of Foreign Languages of the Moscow City Pedagogical University in particular ?

​- I chose itI due to the fact that it is not far from where I live + I liked the suggested training program (in comparison with other universities).

5. In your opinion, what qualities should a student (future graduate) have in order to get a job within the specialty ?

​- The student must be responsible, punctual, ready to complete tasks in a short time, must be able to adapt quickly to new conditions, and be purposeful.

6. What of the university's curriculum do you think helped you the most to adapt to your professional activities ?

​- Certainly the given knowledge of the French language. Unfortunately, most of the things we were taught were just theoretical, they could not have been applied in practice when needed. I would say everything turned out to be more complicated.

7. What wishes would you express to your university ?

 - Move towards innovation, cooperate with promising foreign universities.

Сайт подготовлен в рамках практики студентами второго курса направления

"Педагогическое образование – Французский язык" ИИЯ МГПУ

2020г., Москва ГАОУ ВО МГПУ

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