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Rudenko Ekaterina Sergeevna

– future master’s graduate – decided to tell us about her employment and education in MCU. 

“I had a lot of reasons to enroll in a pedagogical university in the first place, but the main reason then was me wanting to teach. It was fascinating and enjoyable for me, I wanted to share my knowledge with others. I enrolled in MCU due to good reviews from former students. I read about this university, took part in some activities that MCU organized and it struck me as love at first sight. I didn’t regret following my gut. The first 4 years of baccalaureate flew by, during the second year we were introduced to the major subjects and these helped me to adapt in my work field. I didn’t want to stop there, so I decided to undertake a master’s degree in pedagogy. I wanted to work within the specialty. To my surprise, I found a job rather quickly. I had work experience in MCU and currently I am teaching in School 1265. It is in a way hard to combine studying and working, but I manage. I wish all the students to be brave and strong, to set goals and achieve them successfully, to be game for anything and hope for the best.”

Сайт подготовлен в рамках практики студентами второго курса направления

"Педагогическое образование – Французский язык" ИИЯ МГПУ

2020г., Москва ГАОУ ВО МГПУ

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