Созвездие выпускников
Кафедра французского языка и лингводидактики
Наверное, каждому абитуриенту, как и каждому студенту Московского Городского университета интересно, что ждёт его после выпуска. Легко ли найти работу? Где ее искать? Что из учебной программы поможет больше всего в новой карьере? На все эти вопросы ответы могут дать те, кто уже через все это прошел.
Do you work in your specialty? Maybe you managed to realize those plans or your career that you built while studying at the university?
- Yes and no. I completed my undergraduate degree in 2020. Firstly, I worked in my specialty and taught English and French at school as planned, but now I work as a tutor.
Was it easy to find a job?
- To be honest, work found me when I was in graduate magistracy.
Why did you choose MCU IFL? And how satisfied are you with your education?
- In fact, at the time of my admission, this university was considered one of the best for teachers in Moscow.I was quite satisfied with the education I received. I was also very satisfied with the training and teachers until the 4th year.
Have you ever wanted to take part in an internship?
- Of course, there was a desire, but there were no opportunities. There were no internships in our direction then.
In your opinion, what qualities should a future graduate have in order to get a job in his specialty?
- It seems to me that the primary qualities that a student should possess are flexibility, cunning, stamina, endurance and stress resistance.
What part of the university curriculum helped you most of all adapt to your professional activities?
- First of all, I would single out the teaching methods and the foreign languages themselves.
What wishes would you express to your institute?
- Only good ! Development and success!