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Smyslenova Polina Mikhailovna

Do you work in your specialty? Maybe you managed to realize those plans or your career that you built while studying at the university?

 - Yes and no. I completed my undergraduate degree in 2020. Firstly, I worked in my specialty and taught English and French at school as planned, but now I work as a tutor. 

Was it easy to find a job? 

- To be honest, work found me when I was in graduate magistracy. 

Why did you choose MCU IFL? And how satisfied are you with your education? 

- In fact, at the time of my admission, this university was considered one of the best for teachers in Moscow.I was quite satisfied with the education I received. I was also very satisfied with the training and teachers until the 4th year. 

Have you ever wanted to take part in an internship? 

- Of course, there was a desire, but there were no opportunities. There were no internships in our direction then.


In your opinion, what qualities should a future graduate have in order to get a job in his specialty? 

- It seems to me that the primary qualities that a student should possess are flexibility, cunning, stamina, endurance and stress resistance. 

What part of the university curriculum helped you most of all adapt to your professional activities? 

- First of all, I would single out the teaching methods and the foreign languages ​​themselves. 

What wishes would you express to your institute? 

- Only good ! Development and success!

Сайт подготовлен в рамках практики студентами второго курса направления

"Педагогическое образование – Французский язык" ИИЯ МГПУ

2020г., Москва ГАОУ ВО МГПУ

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