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Safronova Maria Vyacheslavovna

Hello Maria ! Could you share your experience of studying at MCU IFL?

- Hello, I'm ready to share!

  1. Do you work within your specialty?
    No, I work in the museum field (management).

  2.  How long did it take you to find a job?
    About 3-4 months. There were difficulties, as I was looking for a job not in my specialty.

  3. What plans did you have for your career when you graduated, and did they match reality?
    In my last year, I realized that I wanted to work in a museum or gallery. Plans corresponded to reality by 50%, if we talk about the coincidence of ideas about work with the job itself.

  4. Why did you choose MCU IFL for studying?
    I was attracted by the prospect of learning a foreign language.

  5. How satisfied are you with your education in MCU IFL?
    On a scale of 1 to 5, I would rate it 3 out of 5.

  6. In your opinion, what qualities should a future graduate have in order to get a job in their specialty?
    Firstly, confidence in one's own knowledge, it’s very important for a teacher. And secondly, psychological flexibility.

  7. What part of the university curriculum helped you the most to adapt in your professional activity?
    Knowledge of English and elementary knowledge of psychology.

What wishes would you express to your university?
I would like to give students the opportunity to get the really necessary skills for their future professional activities, to organize more project work.

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