Созвездие выпускников
Кафедра французского языка и лингводидактики
Наверное, каждому абитуриенту, как и каждому студенту Московского Городского университета интересно, что ждёт его после выпуска. Легко ли найти работу? Где ее искать? Что из учебной программы поможет больше всего в новой карьере? На все эти вопросы ответы могут дать те, кто уже через все это прошел.
Hello, Ekaterina, could you share your experience of studying at the MCU and tell us a little about how your future life turned out after graduating in 2020?
- Hi, of course!
1. Do you work within your specialty?
- No, I don’t. I am a photographer.
2. Do you teach French or the second foreign language that you’ve picked up in university?
- Hard to say. From time to time I teach French as a tutor.
3. How long did it take you to find a job? What were your plans for your career when you graduated, and did they coincide with reality?
At first, after graduating, I was looking for a job at school, but it was not what I wanted. I couldn't find anything for a long time, I was refused because I was young and had no experience.
4. Why did you decide to enter Moscow City Teachers’ Training language University in particular?
- At the insistence of parents.
5. In your opinion, what qualities should a student (future graduate) have in order to get a job within the specialty?
- I think, they should have patience and self-control, at the first place
6. What would you wish for your university?
- I wish professors paid more attention to students’ mental health.