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Shapina Angelika Evgenievna

“Future graduate should like the job and be eager to work within that field”

- Hello, Angelika! Would you spare a couple of minutes and answer some questions regarding your studies at MCU?

- Good day, with pleasure!


1. Do you work within your specialty?

No, because I chose another field of work, which I enjoy much more. I’m working as a web-designer and currently am busy opening an online shop via Instagram.


2. Which career plans did you have during studying in MCU?

I didn’t see myself as a teacher, I thought to be a translator, but eventually even this didn’t work out.


3. Why have you chosen MCU? Are you satisfied with the education obtained?

I had enough points to qualify for free tuition, that’s why I’ve chosen MCU. I can’t say that I’m satisfied with the education itself, because most of the teachers never actually worked at school, I find that odd. There was no practical teaching knowledge presented, but the language program was at a top professional level. If you ask me, it would be great if we had more practical pedagogical knowledge rather than theoretical.


4. To your mind, which qualities should a future graduate obtain to get a job within the specialty?

I think that he or she should like the job and be eager to work within that field.


5. What do you think has helped you the most from the university’s curriculum in terms of adapting to professional life? 

To be honest, I remembered an advice from our teacher – “purebred dogs are taken as puppies”.

Сайт подготовлен в рамках практики студентами второго курса направления

"Педагогическое образование – Французский язык" ИИЯ МГПУ

2020г., Москва ГАОУ ВО МГПУ

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