Созвездие выпускников

Кафедра французского языка и лингводидактики

Наверное, каждому абитуриенту, как и каждому студенту Московского Городского университета интересно, что ждёт его после выпуска. Легко ли найти работу? Где ее искать? Что из учебной программы поможет больше всего в новой карьере? На все эти вопросы ответы могут дать те, кто уже через все это прошел.
Year of graduation: 2018
“ You just need to try, look for what suits you, and it's better to go to work while studying”
Supervisor of teachers at the online English language school "Skyeng"
Hello, Aleksandra! Could you give us a couple of minutes to share your impressions of studying in the Institute of Foreign Languages of the Moscow City University?
Hello, sure!
1. Do you work within your specialty ? (Where else, if no ?)
- No, I don’t work within my specialty, but in education.
2. How long did it take you to find a job ? Was it easy ?
- Yes, right after graduation I found a job in Skyeng ((Russian Online English Language School), I taught English, then became a supervisor of teachers. My career growth has already begun in September. I have chosen a path for myself in education.
3. What were your plans for your career when you graduated, and did they coincide with reality ?
- There were plans to find a job, to find my calling and to do what I like. Now I have it all.
4. Why did you decide to enter Moscow City Teachers’ Training language University in particular ? How satisfied are you with the education you received there ?
- I am satisfied with the education I received, I gave an assessment according to several criteria:
If we evaluate the experience gained at the university, then 7/10, if we consider the quality of teaching French, then 8/10, but if we take other subjects, for example, pedagogy, then 5/10 (there is a lack of consideration of current topics, analysis of the current situation).
5. In your opinion, what qualities should a student (future graduate) have in order to get a job within the specialty ?
There are no specific qualities. They advised to not be afraid and try, look for what suits you, and it's better to go to work while studying.
6. What do you think has helped you the most from the university’s curriculum in adapting to professional life?
- Conferences with native speakers.
7.What would you wish for your university ?
- Conduct surveys of students, collect feedback and change itself for the better.