Созвездие выпускников

Кафедра французского языка и лингводидактики

Наверное, каждому абитуриенту, как и каждому студенту Московского Городского университета интересно, что ждёт его после выпуска. Легко ли найти работу? Где ее искать? Что из учебной программы поможет больше всего в новой карьере? На все эти вопросы ответы могут дать те, кто уже через все это прошел.
Hello Irina ! Could you
Can you take a couple of minutes to answer a few of our questions, which relate to your studies at MCU IFL?
- Hello, I'm happy to answer!
1. Do you work in your specialty?
- No, I have never worked in my specialty. After graduation the institute had no vacancies, so I first worked as a tutor for a year (worked with a child from elementary school), and then went into the field of beauty. She was à permanent make-up artist and eyelash extensions.
2. How long did it take you to find a job?
- I started working for myself right away. One summer I worked in a salon, where it was not difficult to get a job: I found a vacancy and went for an interview.
3. Did you have any difficulties during the interview?
- There were no particular difficulties during the interview in the beauty salon. I was immediately checked in practice and after a couple of days I started to work. Later I left the salon, because due to circumstances it was more convenient to work only at home.
4. Do you continue your studies at the moment (master's, postgraduate studies)?
- I went on maternity leave a few years ago. Since October 2020, I have been studying remotely as a life coach at the Institute of Applied Psychology in the Social Sphere. Upon graduation, I will receive a diploma of professional retraining.
5. What plans did you have for your career when you graduated, and did they match reality?
- All my studies at the institute, I planned to be a teacher. I love French so far, for some time I continued to study it on my own. Plans, as you can see, did not match, but I'm not upset. I like the direction of coaching no less.
6. Why did you choose MCU IFL? How satisfied are you with your education?
- This institute was recommended to me by my French teacher at school, so I purposefully went there when I entered. I believe that the first two courses we had very strong French and a lot of practice within the study. Starting from the third year, there were more term papers, and less language. It's frustrating.
7. How would you rate your final level of knowledge upon graduation from Moscow State Pedagogical University?
- Of course, I could teach French at school. But I will not say that I know French perfectly.
8. In your opinion, what qualities should a future graduate have in order to get a job in his specialty?
- Great question. I believe that in any field when applying for a job, it is important to work on your fears, to be confident in the knowledge related to work, and then nothing is scary. No matter how it sounds now, I believe that having a higher education does not mean anything. What is important is knowledge and character, which will help in life further. Now, in the modern world, they look more at what you are at work, and not what kind of education you have. But this does not negate the need to graduate from the institute, at least one of the stages of higher education.
9. What part of the university curriculum helped you most adapt to your professional activities?
- I think studying helped me to be focused and collected. She taught me how to learn. After graduating from the institute, I took a lot of courses (creating websites, marketing, a marathon for earnings, a course on investments and psychological training and courses), and I always like the process of learning itself.
10. What wishes would you express to your institute?
- I wish to continue producing the same responsible specialists. Teach them to be thirsty for new knowledge in life.