Созвездие выпускников

Кафедра французского языка и лингводидактики

Наверное, каждому абитуриенту, как и каждому студенту Московского Городского университета интересно, что ждёт его после выпуска. Легко ли найти работу? Где ее искать? Что из учебной программы поможет больше всего в новой карьере? На все эти вопросы ответы могут дать те, кто уже через все это прошел.
Hello, Anastasia, let me ask you a couple of questions about studying at the Institute of Foreign Languages of the Moscow City Pedagogical University.
– Of course, I will be happy to answer them!
1. Do you work within your specialty ?
Yes, I work as a French teacher. I also taught English at school.
2. How long did it take you to find a job ? Was it easy ?
– To be honest, everything was fast, I found it in just a couple of months. However, there were few offers. At first I had to agree to a school in the Moscow region, where there was an urgent need for a specialist. Unfortunately, the places where I wanted to work required teachers to have solid work experience in the first place. After a year of work at the school (the rate of 20 hours + classroom management - a forced measure), I received two job offers at the same time: a Moscow school near my house and a boarding school for female-pupils at the Ministry of Defense support. I chose the second option.
3. Are you currently pursuing your studies (Master's, PhD) ? Do you manage to combine it with your work ?
– Yes, I am studying at the master's program of the Institute of Foreign Languages of MCU and at the same time I am writing a thesis. To be honest, it is very difficult to combine the rate of 25 hours a week and study, especially if you want to study well, but it is still possible.
4. Why did you decide to enter this university in particular ?
– Oh, even in the 7th grade I went to the open day of the Moscow City University and firmly decided where and for what specialty I would go to study at that moment. Everything coincided, as you can see.
5. In your opinion, what qualities should a student (future graduate) have in order to get a job within the specialty ?
– Patience, diligence and ingenuity.
6. What do you think has helped you the most from the university’s curriculum in adapting to professional life?
-Classes of language, methodology, psychology (general, special, developmental)
7. If we are not mistaken, you have interned in France. Please tell us briefly about the countries you've visited and about the experience you have gained.
– That's right, I did an internship in France (Besançon), having passed a competition in the International Department of the Moscow City Pedagogical Institute. 2 weeks of study at CLA, accommodation in a family with 4 children in a large house. This is a great way, in my opinion, to realize the dream and improve your foreign language, learn culture and mentality.