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Surkov Ilya Andreevich

Hello Ilya! Do you have a couple of minutes to answer some questions regarding your experience of studying at IFL MCU in 2016?

- Good afternoon! Of course, I'm happy to answer questions!

1.  Do you work within your specialty ?

- No. I don’t work within my specialty and I do not teach.

2. How long did it take you to find a job? Was it easy? 

- The job I'm currently working in wasn’t easy to find. But in general, it was never difficult for me to find a job.

3. Are you currently engaged in scientific activities? Are you continuing your studies at the moment (master's, postgraduate)? Can you combine it with work?

- Not now. I used to combine easily, as I worked 2-2, and sometimes at night. I graduated from magistracy.

4. Why did you choose MCU IFL for studying? How satisfied are you with your education at MCU IFL?

- There were many reasons to do so. At that time, I wanted to teach. Satisfied with 7 out of 10.

5. In your opinion, what qualities should a future graduate have in order to get a job in their specialty?

- Probably should be better than the others with whom he studied in this specialty in order to stand out.

6. What part of the university curriculum helped you to adapt most of all in your professional activity?

- Ability to communicate, make friends, get out of different situations.

7. Have you ever wanted to take part in an internship? Maybe you were an intern? Tell us briefly about the countries you have visited and the experience you have gained.

- I took part in an internship. It was cool, but I realized that after all it's not mine.

8. What wishes would you express to your university?

- I don’t even know… the main thing is not to cut people with experience and to choose candidates for teaching positions more carefully. Not everyone was good at what they did.

Сайт подготовлен в рамках практики студентами второго курса направления

"Педагогическое образование – Французский язык" ИИЯ МГПУ

2020г., Москва ГАОУ ВО МГПУ

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