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Nesterova Daria Alexandrovna

Year of graduation: 2017

 "If you decided to dedicate yourself to pedagogy after 4 years of bachelor's degree, I advise you to go further to study for deeper knowledge and growth opportunities"

 Does not work by profession

Has entered the magistracy of the Moscow State University


Hello, Daria, could you share your experience of studying at the MCU?

- Hello, no problems!

1. Do you work within your specialty?

- No, I work in a different sphere.

2. How long did it take you to find a job? Was it easy?

- Well, it took some time, about 6 months.

3. Would you advise to continue studying after bachelor 's degree ? Why?

- If you decided to dedicate yourself to pedagogy after 4 years of bachelor's degree, I recommend you to go further to study for deeper knowledge and growth opportunities

4. Can you name the disciplines that you liked the most and least?

- I used to enjoy speech practice and phonetics and the least liked were philosophy and culture of speech.

5. Do you keep in touch with ex fellow students?

- Yeah, we meet from time to time.

6. Is the time spent on studying warrant?

- It absolutely is.

7. In your experience, which disciplines besides French are the most important for a future teacher? What disciplines would you add?

- In my opinion, there are not enough practical disciplines in the bachelor's course that would allow to start work as a knowledgeable specialist. In this regard, I would add everything related to the curriculum and those documents that you can face as a teacher. Also, something that helps the teacher to be an interesting and authoritative person.

8. How do you rate your final level of knowledge at the end of the MCU Bachelor's degree? Did you think that you could confidently teach French?

I don’t think I have enough knowledge to teach confidently. Anyway, 4 years of learning is not sufficient to educate others, especially children. Probably, it is the reason why I didn’t become a teacher.

Сайт подготовлен в рамках практики студентами второго курса направления

"Педагогическое образование – Французский язык" ИИЯ МГПУ

2020г., Москва ГАОУ ВО МГПУ

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