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Zaporozhets Maria Dmitrievna

Hello, Maria, could you share your experience of studying at the MCU and tell us a little about how your future life turned out after graduating in 2016?

– Hi, for sure!

1. Do you work within your specialty? Do you teach French or the second foreign language that you’ve picked up in university ?

– No, I work as a transaction manager in an IT company. For some time I was doing a little tutoring, teaching English, but now I use languages in my work in my specialty.

2. How long did it take you to find a job? Was it easy?

–Hard to say if it was difficult, it took about 6 months.

3. Are you currently engaged in scientific activity?

– No.

4. What were your plans for your career when you graduated, and did they coincide with reality?

– At the time of graduation, it was difficult for me to make plans for a career; I just wanted to finish learning the language. After that, I chose a different field of activity, but with the use of language skills.

5. Why did you choose MCU?

– At the time of entry, I was going to this university on a budget, but, first of all, I was attracted by the opportunity to study several foreign languages. That is, in short: I passed by grades, I liked the program. I am happy with the education I received, I do not regret it.

6. In your opinion, what qualities should a student (future graduate) have in order to get a job within the specialty?

– I believe that a graduate should be motivated to teach, he should be ambitious, loyal, and have leadership skills. In my opinion, the decisive factor is the desire of the student himself to grow in the teaching field.

7. Great advice! What would you wish for your university?

– Wishes are only the best: successful, diligent students and new ideas, and further success to improve educational processes.

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