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Prokhorova Olga Vadimovna

"A future graduate should have a strong knowledge of the subject being taught + communication skills (the ability to talk to the right people at the right time)"


Hello, Olga ! Could you find a couple of minutes and answer some of our questions concerning your life after graduating from the Institute of Foreign Languages of the Moscow City Pedagogical University ?

–  With great pleasure !


1. Do you work in your specialty ?

– Yes, I do.


2. Do you have a desire to learn any other Romance language ?

 – I've always dreamed of learning Italian.


3. How long did it take you to find a job ? Was it easy to find ?

– Honestly, it was the job that found me, so it was quite easy.


4. Would you recommend continuing studying after getting a bachelor's degree ?

– It depends because to be able to work as a teacher at school, a master's degree is rarely necessary.


5. Why did you choose this particular university ? How would you estimate your level of satisfaction with your education ?

– The sum of my points for the Unified State Exam was enough for me to have a possibility to study in this very university without paying for the education. If I had to rate the level of contentment on a ten-point scale, I would give it a 6.  


6. What was the brightest and most memorable event for you during your studies ?

– I really remember the lessons of the speech practice with Nezhina L. A.


7. In your opinion, what qualities should a future graduate have in order to get a job in his specialty ?

– Strong knowledge of the subject being taught + communication skills (the ability to talk to the right people at the right time). 


8. Which discipline of the university's curriculum helped you the most to adapt to your professional activities ?

– Hours of the speech practice, of course.


9. What wishes would you express to your university ?

– I would like to have the practice of working directly with children earlier than in the 3rd year. The university gave me a good language base, but I acquired methodological knowledge in the course of practice (it seemed to me insufficient) and of working at school.

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